Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Man Will Be Put to the Test with War, Disease, Famine, Disasters of All Kinds
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on January 1, 2025

God the Father, the Almighty JAHWÈ, thunders His voice to a deaf people, unaware of what they will face.
The gallows is ready for the wicked, for traitors!
It will rain fire from heaven, men will crawl like snakes in search of some shade, but nothing will they find either on Earth or under Earth.
God's wrath will fall on the dishonest, on those far from His love, will put an end to the abuse of the powerful, will give freedom to the innocent prisoners and to all those who have been forced to accept rules different from Mine.
The old time will be closed, the children of the Light will enter to enjoy a new world in freedom, love and jubilation, they will be embraced by Love and enjoy all His good.
The sun is unleashing its powerful flames toward the Earth, only a miracle from God will save.
My children, this year will be full of bad surprises, man will be put to the test with wars, diseases, famine, disasters of all sorts.
My people prepare to face these calamities, to live in mortification.
God created man for Himself, created him in His image and likeness, endowed him with intelligence and set him to enjoy in His Garden full of delights and beauties in Himself.
But one day an evil seed mingled with the good seed,grew the weed, expanded, destroyed the good.
Man's life began to change, he capitulated in misery, lost God's gifts, became barren in love, ...prostrated himself to the god of eternal death.
Children of Jerusalem, the floodgates of the heavens are opened, the time of abundant harvest is over, famine will begin without warning, food will be nowhere to be found. The crops will be destroyed, the waters poisoned, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Repent, O men, I call for your conversion! Return to Him who created you, ask forgiveness for the offenses done to Him, prostrate yourselves to His Love and ask forgiveness for your sins with true repentance of heart.
The time has come to say goodbye to a life unbridled in vices and revelry.
Behold, the bells are ringing in death, the storm is about to reach the earth.
Prepare yourselves, O men, pray, convert, ...convert!!!
The moon drops black!!!
Source: ➥